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This website is dedicated to helping you get the most from your study of the Word of God, whether by the aid of my books and personal notes, or by helping you get set up to use Logos Bible Software.  Clicking on any of the book covers below will take you to the appropriate page on Amazon to order them.



"Every generation or so, a book comes along that becomes a marker of 'before X' or 'after X.'  Paul Tanner has written such a book. As a student of Old Testament history and eschatology I have had occasion to give at least passing attention to almost everything written on Daniel in the past 100 years, and without cavil or hyperbole I judge this work by Tanner—masterful in its use of Hebrew and Aramaic, without peer in the depth and breadth of its citation of relevant resources, and engagingly delightful in the clarity of its literary style—will become the standard in its niche, especially in evangelical scholarship."

Eugene H. Merrill, Dallas Theological Seminary

The Daniel commentary is available electronically on Logos Bible Software.
The print version is now available on Amazon and CBD.
(cheaper on CBD).



(Click here to see even more publications)

Rev Commentary Cover Prophets Cover   Hebrews Comm Front CoverRapture Front Cover











The Rapture Promise: Its History and Fulfillment at Christ's Return, is now available on  This is a scholarly treatment of the subject, thorough, often technical, and detailed (337 pages; 674 footnotes).  I do conclude and defend the view that the Rapture will be post-tribulational.  Click the picture below to go directly to Amazon for ordering a copy.


Click here to view a sample of the Revelation course book.

Click here to view a sample of The Prophets of Old Testament Israel.

Click here to view a sample lesson of the Hebrews Commentary.

Click here to view a sample lesson of The Rapture Promise

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click the Amazon logo above.

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Many of the PDF documents on this website were formatted for A4 size paper (not American Ltr size).  They will print fine on A4 size paper.  If you wish to print them on Ltr size paper, you may have to print one page at a time or otherwise make adjustments.

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Have you discovered the SECRET to life's meaning?


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